
Can I Continue to Drive My Car After an Accident?

Car accidents are stressful for everyone involved. Once the incident is over and the police report has been filed, vehicle owners wonder if they can drive their vehicle as usual or if they will need to schedule a towing service.

Unfortunately, the answer to this question is not cut and dry. Whether your car is safe to operate after an accident depends on the extent of the damage to your vehicle. Here, we explain how to determine if your car will function properly after a car accident.

4 Questions to Ask Before Driving Your Car After an Accident

Before getting back on the road, you need to determine how damaged your car is. For example, if all the damage is cosmetic (chipped paint, dented doors, etc.), your vehicle may be safe to drive. However, if the damage is more extensive, such as engine damage, you should avoid driving your car and have it transported to a repair shop as soon as possible.

What Is the Process for Repairing a Collision-Damaged Vehicle?

Most Americans will be involved in a car accident at some point in their lives. If no drivers or passengers are hurt, the next item on your agenda after filing an auto insurance claim is figuring out how you’ll repair your vehicle. Many people seeking collision repair services don’t necessarily know what goes into getting their car or truck back on the road. If you’re interested in learning more about the collision repair process, read on for a step-by-step explanation of what happens during auto body repair:

Damage to Look for After a Rear-End Collision

Rear-end accidents happen to millions of Americans every year. Even if you and your passengers walk away from an accident without a scratch, you probably can’t say the same about your vehicle. The most minor rear-end collisions can still cause significant collision damage, and sometimes, it’s damage you won’t even be able to see. That’s why if you’ve been involved in a rear-end collision, it’s critical to contact collision repair services ASAP. 

Should You Repair or Replace a Car with Frame Damage?

Car accidents are one of the worst experiences a driver can have. Not only do they fear for the health and well-being of their passengers and those in the other car, but they also experience anxiety over the damage done to their vehicle. Will they be able to repair it, or will they have to send the scraps of their beloved car to the junkyard?

Rust Spots — Are They Just Unsightly or Do They Pose a Risk?

Let’s say you’re looking to upgrade from a car you’ve had for several years and still runs great. You may be looking to market it yourself or perhaps gift it to a family member, confident in your “mint condition” selling point — until you notice small rust spots after a snowy winter. You wonder, does the rust spell doom for the integrity of the vehicle, or is it something that can be chalked up to a mere blemish?